The financial impact of disability,
This is something that I have been aware of for a while but disabilities that are caused by health conditions are something that we need to talk about and we don’t know what people are aware of as well.
We see that this can be a massive issue and can have a massive impact on mental health issues as well, and we see that people are not able to socialize due to not having the funds to do things, there is a term for it in people without disabilities it is called city life syndrome and we see that this is at times amplified in people with disabilities as well, so the impact of the physical disability I know that there are other creators that have talked about having a prosthesis in the USA and what their insurance won’t cover as well.
I know that people will also not seek medical treatment due to the fact that people can’t afford it , or will need to take out loans that they can’t pay back. I am lucky that in Australia we have a universal healthcare system, however, we do see that as inflation rises we see that even medical professionals can’t afford to bulk bill, this is when they directly send the claim to Medicare and you don’t have to pay a co pay.
However medical specialists, unless they are attached to a hospital, don’t generally bulk bill and this can then impact people as well, I see that people see disability as something to be cured but when you can’t afford the doctors you don’t have anything.
I know that it can seem quite patronizing to say that if you don’t have your health you don’t have anything, but you can have a chronic illness and have a good quality of life and this is an issue as well, the quality of life vs quantity of life and the impact it has on your life as well.
I will be doing a post on the digital divide as well so let me know what you think about what I am saying and how being around disability impacted your wellbeing are you more grateful for what you have?