This is such a great clip and well-acted and is such a great way of showing, how conflicted Alec is as Alec is suffering the cons
sequences that Clary coming into his life has come to a head and is essentially an arranged Marriage with Lydia Bramwell. A family that Mangus has had contact with. Lydia isn't in the books but is a link to the Bramwell family that Magnus was good friends with as the children were running the institute. This is the link to the glitter that Magus in the books loves, yet due to the risks to Harry Shum jr, the glitter was toned down. He was inhaling glitter and this is a health hazard for him as well, but we see that. He is being true to himself and he doesn't struggle with his self-identity. Or even his sexual identity as well as we see that this is another issue as well that he knows he is interested in Alec and that Alec's nativity in some ways but his responsibility to others is intriguing to him as well as we see that Alec is used to taking the heat for the family's bad decisions.
It shows that Magnus is interested in Alec and not just as a Shadowhunter as in the books he is the spitting image of a Shadowhunter called Will Herondale. As Magnus's life in the books was intrinsically tied to Will and therefore Camille at the time, it is mentioned in the show and it is a deviation about how Camille did save Magnus from himself. So Magnus has been where Alec is at in his life and this can be an issue as well, as we see that he knows what it is like to have to take responsibility for yourself at a young age.
Yet in the books, Magnus was found by the silent brothers and educated at the spiral labyrinth. Will Herondale | The Shadowhunters' Wiki | Fandom Now Magnus is in New York and it is eluded to that he owns the nightclub Pandemonium. This in the books started life as a "speakeasy," in the prohibition era, and in the books, it doubles as a place for an upper-class down order to go much like a private club. Gentlemen's club - Wikipedia This leads up to the clip where Alec is looking for a warlock that cast a spell to keep Clary's mother in a trance. So she can't betray Clary's location to Valentine. Magnus is still infatuated with Alec and is pursuing him even when he knows that he is engaged to Lydia. As Magnus knows that Alec is hiding from himself and to who he is attracted. This is such a great clip and it shows the attraction and confusion in Alec, yet it shows that Alec has thought about the consequences of the relationship but he is still going through with the wedding at this stage. It seems that Alec isn't willing to accept himself as he has been led to believe all of his life that his purpose is to be a Shadowhunter and isn't ever given time to just be. Yet Magnus sees straight through the masking. We see Alec ask Magnus do you want me to give up my life for you, as to him at this stage being a Shadowhunter is his whole purpose, not a decision to make. However, as this relationship progresses we see that Mangus does give up his life for Alec in a way. As this series progresses we see that there are a lot of parallels in the growth of the relationships. That they have as characters as it is very relationship driven and how each interacts with each other and how it impacts that person's life or how it affects their sense of self. This is very similar to someone with a disability or a chronic illness presenting as able-bodied at a cost and that cost to a person with a disability can be fatigue and illness also if people present as "well," it can fuel the belief that there is nothing wrong, yet many chronic illnesses can be just as disabling as a 'traditional,' disability. We live in a diverse community yet when talking about disability in the developed world it makes people very uncomfortable as it brings the reality that we exist and that we aren't hidden anymore and there is such a thing as disability and neurodiversity movements both online and in reality that are driven by people with disability's for people with disabilities instead of asking for "thoughts and prayers.' are demanding real space and change. Alec and Magnus brought about real change in the course of the series being on free-to-air TV. In Canada and is on Netflix in the rest of the world.
( originally published as Alec and Mangus how it started and the links to disability on blogger 2022)