Chain of Iron so it is a book that I really can't get into despite it being in the Shadowhunter's world and I now see it is because it's set in Londen and despite it being set in the Shadowhunters world we see that it's in a society that I am not used to seeing and I know that I need to finish the book, but I see that Tessa and Will and now Cordelia the character we follow in this book are quite similar to other characters in the world.
It follows on from Chain of gold in a way that we see that Matthew and Cordelia are married now and it is to save Cordelia's fate in a society where there is pressure on women to get married, it is set in victorian London and we see that she tis rased in the shadow hunters world and that they are much more open to the younger shadow hunters doing things that there "Mundane," peers, would do.
We also see that they have servants with the sight and they are if they are worthy able to drink from the mortal cup and assent to being a shadow hunter, this makes sense when comparing the TV show and the books that they live in the institute and have staff, however in the books living at the institute isn't the greatest of options and is seen as a punishment for a lot of people. In having them have their own homes or in a lightwood predecessor we see Anna lightwood live independently and take lovers of either gender, and it's not looked down upon but is kept very discreet, we see that this is why Magnus and he is mentioned in the books as it is set when he would have been living in Londen and seeing that the young Shadowhunter's keep out of trouble.
This also starts to explain why he feels a deep connection to the Herondales as we discover another warlock that is half Shadowhunter and half warlock, is the reason that Jace has special powers as this is the story of their relatives through the ages, and how the families came to be so powerful or to lose there influence at the clave.
I am yet to finish the book but I hope to finish it soon and to talk about it in another post as we see that the book is a good read but I am finding it a bit hard to follow, and to keep up with the Characters as well, they are well thought out and you can see an improvement in writing as well.