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Writer's pictureAndrea Nunn

Disability privilege or reasonable accommodations a discussion

Ok so we really need to talk we now have medical professionals on drive time radio talking about the “gentrification of disability” and the Medicalization of disability and that people who are higher functioning don’t need the NDIS. Well hold up this is not ok in the disabled community we talk about Allies, and this is not being a good Allie. We need to talk about this a lot more than the medical professionals think it’s Ok to be able to essentially Gate keep our resources because they see an unfair distribution of resources, can I recommend that this medical professional do some reading on the history of the USSR and communism?

As we do unfortunately live in a capitalistic society and we see that this is just seen as a bad thing when people who start out having fewer resources are given the option to have the same punitive I see that equal opportunities are different from equality of outcome, equality of outcome can be quite dangerous and that we need to be able to work for what we want.

As dolly Parton once said” Dreams don’t come to life unless you do you need to be able to put wings on that dream, “and we also need to be realistic in our dreams when we live with a disability that affects our ability to reason and to achieve the things that you want to, I would love to have part-time job but I am having more bad days than good and this isn’t a good thing but I am capable of running my own business ( with support)

But gatekeeping is when a person feels the need to police the experience or limit the labels of the disability or other non-mainstream experiences of life and we see that people can experience this in a number of ways and when they are called out they can respond quite badly due to people not being aware that it was an issue and people are generally aware of women’s and lgbt rights but aren’t aware that there is still discrepancies in disability rights and that support givers or care givers don’t need to have any formal training to work on the job, this is leading to more harm being done. By having a name for it we can treat it and work around it. As the medicalization of disability has been both a good and a bad thing, as it shifts the frame work in that which we operate and we see that people are then able to work around that fame work, so the medical model says that people with a disability are a burden to society and need a cure this has to lead to things like Ritlan being discovered, Prozac being prescribed to children, and I do see that this is a very complex argument as ADHD is both under-diagnosed and over diagnosed, as we know the traditional male presentation but we don’t know the female presentation and often it could also be due to women taking on to much due to the messages we herd during child hood about being anything we herd it as having to be everything and we see that this is a massive issue and also the role of tech as well as I will freely admit that I spend nights I can’t sleep on my phone to the point that doctors have a name for it called bed time revenge procrastination. We also are seeing that digital detoxification camps are being offered as well.

But your most likely thinking what has this got to do with gate keeping disability – it has a lot to do with it as if you can medicalize it you can come up with a treatment and sell it, so we see that the behaviour’s that this doctor would be treating are medicalized behaviour’s and that if you cure them you don’t have a return customer, so you need returning customers so you come up with more conditions and I encourage anyone who is interested in the ADHD medication debate to watch shut up and take your pills on Netflix it is an interesting watch and then have a look at some of the reviews on YouTube and to see what people are saying about it as some of the ADHD channels have some great reviews on this and I see that it’s a very complex argument and when people start to take back there agency you can’t win as people think that disabled equals incompetent it doesn’t and we need to be aware of it and to understand that disability isn’t a universal experience and that the disability community is a perceived community and the only last really persecuted community in truth as we don’t have the understanding by the medical community and this proves it.

This is not what good Allies do they seek to understand the disability experience and to believe people and from a medical based perspective this can be hard to do when we see that people need to be able to understand that people need to be believed and not having a name for something that they are going through leads to terms like this one and other oxymorons like disability privileges and what is disability privilege, when you examine it in more detail we see that this is actually disability accommodations like not having to wait in line at fun parks, being able to access closed captions at the movies. Being able to have extra time to complete assessments at university we see are all examples of what people like to misdescribe as disability privileges. While I do agree that they can be abused and this is why we need people Like Dr Jorden Peterson preaching common sense that it should be a private agreement between a student and teacher we see that unfortunately due to abuse of the systems we see that this is where we need disability services in education facilities and we see that other forms of intelligence get forgotten or demonized but this is where we see that the gatekeeping come into play who decides what is a disability and what is a medical condition and who deicides what treatment you get and when you see that this is what it is like for a person every day with a disability you start to see that disability privilege doesn’t exist. I am not saying that people with disabilities can’t come from a privileged background but we see that people need to be very aware that words have power and deliberately using words to essentially dismantle the disability experience we see that this is where the danger of only having a medicalized out look come from and we see that disability advocates need to be able to listen to the medical community but the medical community needs to listen to the disability advocate’s as for far too long disabled people have been denied medical care due to it being put down to their disabilities.

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