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Maryse a lesson in Grace Part one.

Writer's picture: Andrea NunnAndrea Nunn

Maryse Lightwood is the Mother of Alec and Isabelle lightwood and the adopted mother of Jace, who was left in the Lightwood family's care at 10 years of age. In the first and second seasons is married to Robert lightwood and they are the heads of the New York institute.

This clip show's us how Maryse is in the first season very " no-nonsense," her body language and dress show that she means business. This is a very authoritative personality style that ties into her role in the show which is as the head of an institute. It shows us how she conducts her everyday life. It also tells us that they are mostly away at Idris most of the time and leave Alec in charge. ( This is a variation from the books we see that because they are teens that Hodge their tutor is their guardian.)

She is very domineering and demanding to Izzy and Alec but very compassionate to Jace. ( I will do a post on him being the "golden child"). As Clary says it shows a window into the weird. Yet Alec is right that "the unsanctioned mission's on her behalf didn't go over too well at the clave." Maryse needs to be in control of a situation and she shows that this is who she is, she is used to following orders and giving them. This behavior's common in military organizations. ( I will do a post on how the Shadowhunters have their military-industrial complex) As she is not only their mother but their commander and she can't separate the two as they are part of her. This is where I see that Joslyn's heart was in the right place as she wanted to protect Clary from this world.

We see that Maryse doesn't handle not being in control well, as we see Robert being calm and collected then we see Maryse is stressed because they are at risk of losing their influence at the clave. Yet we see that Robert has concerns about how the clave handles things and this is the start of his progression into questioning things, he is rational and seeking answers and we see that he respects Alec and Izzy's abilities and judgment.

Yet Maryse is concerned not with the outcomes but with the image, of the family as yes dear reader we see that Alec, Izzy, Jace, and Clary have been interfering with order affairs. Alec, Jace, and Izzy parent's see that the clave doesn't believe that the Seely queen will side with Valentine. ( who as a character deserves his post) a shadow hunter who formed an organization that is within the clave that was a breakaway group that was obsessed with "cleaning up the down world." Something chilling to those who have read a world history book.

Maryse says that life is not about what you want to do it is about what must be done. Alec reinforces the lack of self-esteem he has as at this point in the show we see that he is masking his feelings of inadequacy.

Shadowhunters Reduced BGMusic 01x08 - Maryse and Robert talk with Alec and Izzy. - YouTube Here we start to see Valentine yet we don't know what area he is in as Joslyn had Ragnar Fell mix a potion that would make her fall asleep so she didn't put Clary at risk as she hid some of the relics that are important in the Shadow world, from the circle, this is why it is so important for them to sort out where Valentine is to be able to stop him. This is where they as a family starts to question the clave yet we see that there still is family pressure to live up to family expectations.

This shows us what the clave is thinking and that they are quite prejudiced towards people who were in the circle. The institute is not at risk it is that the Clave wants to be in charge of the institute as they don't believe that the lightwoods are great managers. Yet the Clave doesn't consider that Clary could be the reason for the unsanctioned missions as most missions need to be sanctioned by the Clave. Yet we see that Alec has respect for his parents in that he hands the file to them not Lydia.

They're on both sides both Maryse and Alec, there is resentment and stress and we see Maryse's stressed response to be to fighting, as they are trained soldiers.

They as a family are starting to see what the Clave is like and are starting to see their Children's point of view without sacrificing their values as Robert and Maryse are hiding a massive secret from their children. This being that they were circle members once themselves, we can see that their history has consequence's for them.

Reading for this series of posts.

( all clips remain the property of the original uploader)

( originally published on blogger during 2o22 )


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