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Why do we need to say NO even to a disabled child.

Writer's picture: Andrea NunnAndrea Nunn

I am amazed at myself and sometimes how oblivious to things I am and one thing that has just come to me is that I am so used to being in the wrong I didn’t realize how much this was stopping good things from coming to me. I am now seeing so much good coming into my life and goodwill towards me due to the fact that I am now not complaining as much and being grateful for what I have in my life and one thing that I am going to try is getting the podcast up and running. I have an idea, I have a space to record and I have knowledge of recording and how to record it’s now asking for sponsors and for people to come on board for the ride as I am seeing that in a small way the YouTube and the blog is creating change in the way that it’s creating conversations around disability and how disability is seen internationally.

My house mate wonders often why she doesn’t have any friends except at the day centre and I see it is due to her attitude and recently she has been caught out a bit in that she was always the victim of her own story, and me the Villain, but recently when I cooked a birthday dinner she had a meltdown that she wasn’t getting attention and this was in full view of the others so she had nowhere to go and actually got called out on it, she is starting to realize that she needs to share attention with others and that I am often given more “privileges” due to the fact that I have a higher level of maturity than she does and she is able to do the things that she demands help with and I have been left to flounder despite being in a sil house but this has brought it home to me that I am worthy of support and to accept the help and to be gracious about it.

I am also succeeding in being off the internet a lot more and to be able to get more sleep and to push through the lethargy that comes with my tablets and I am now looking for work/ getting the podcast up and running. All things that I would need support to do and that I am able to do with support. I see that people do enjoy having me around and that I don’t consciously use my disability as an excuse and I see that this happens far to often and when people are called out on it they can react badly so no one ever calls them out on it.

However this needs to change and it starts with education about what is a disability and a reasonable accommodation for a job or study or to be able to help a person and what is an excuse and this requires a lot more education on what a disability looks like and how to help or support a person and this can be where the argument get’s complex in that people need to be able to understand the person and the persons disability as we see that how they were razed is a massive issue and that people need to be taught accountability and this is where things get tricky that accountability is hard to teach to adults that have never been told no in their life and we need to start changing this and being able to say NO and mean it and being able to have the conversation around why your saying NO to them.

It might be NO we can’t afford it, No we will do it another day or NO because it’s not safe and we see that people are using things like gentle parenting to teach children NO and this is a great start as it gives them options but gets them to see that they don’t always get things their own way. Every support work I have talked to agree that they see far to many clients that use there disability as an excuses and that they have so much potential and that this potential if pushed could achieve great things. So I am going to leave you with this question what are you using as an excuse that could be a reason and what are you using as a reason that is an excuse?


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